Fabrice Jaumont launches his book “ La Rivoluzione Bilingue “ at the Italian Cultural Institute of New York

December 11, 2019 in New York – 11 dicembre 2019 alla Grande Mela – “ La Rivoluzione Bilingue “, book launch and networking event, at the Italian Cultural Institute in New York, Book launch of Fabrice Jaumont Ph.D @doc.fj “ Godfather of the Bilingual Revolution “ { NY Times}. Interviewed by Annavaleria Read more…

Book covers – La Revolucion Bilingüe – Die Bilinguale Revolution

Creating news linoleum cut colors versions for the book cover of The Bilingual Revolution by Fabrice Jaumont for the new release Spanish’s and German’s versions. La revolución bilingüe : el futuro de la educación está en dos idiomas. Release date: December 1st, 2018 #revoluciónbilingüe. Special thanks to Renata Somar Aragón and Diana Limongi Gabriele Raymond Verdaguer Read more…

Partenaires Inégaux – couverture du livre

Linoleum cut: final cover for the new book by Fabrice Jaumont. Published by Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’homme, Feb12, 2018. “Help the Francophone world better understand American foundations”. “L’ouvrage Partenaires inégaux. Universités d’Afrique sous influence porte sur les fondations philanthropiques américaines et leur influence sur le développement Read more…

Incontro con gli studenti di Grafica dell’Istituto “Leardi” Aula Magna

 Tematica: ” LA PROFESSIONE D’INCISORE E IL RAPPORTO CON LE TESTATE GIORNALISTICHE ” incisore e vignettista Raymond Verdaguer – Sabato 30 maggio, 2015  “The engraver profession in relation with the journalistic dilemma ” – Lecture at Grafica dell’Istituto “Leardi” Aula Magna, Casale Montferatto, Italy. [ graphic institute of Leardi]. Saturday May 30, 2015. Samples from my lecture projection. A visual presentation Read more…

Edizioni il ragazzo innocuo – “Collina di Marconi” – Livre d’artiste (2)

Marconi‘s hill – Book creation  –  letterpress project –  in collaboration with Italian artist and publisher Luciano Ragozzino –  Edizioni il ragazzo innocuo  Process of inside linocuts spots Linoleum dimensions, 7×7 cm Linoleum dimensions, 5×31 cm Proposal of various possibility  of laying out the linocuts spots into the page. … original Read more…