Estate 2014: In stile di vita – pitture, incisioni, mostre, laboratori e interviste.
Summer 2014 as a style of live : paintings, engravings, exhibitions, workshops & interviews .
This presentation covers all my artistic activities I was able to perform or to be part of during my 2 months I stayed in Italy recently. Regardless of the ‘none fare niente ‘ cliché, people work very hard and skillfully and there were very intense moments. I have no words to express the generosity and the comment sense for the approach of life as I experienced it. Except for only one isolate single case, where I was not able to come through. Regardless my poor Italian vocabulary, I was able to manage and find most agreable feedback and real support for my proposals, most importantly to share them.
Mostre – Exhibitions – Expos
” Emozioni d’artista “ – mostra
Sabato 9 Agosto 2014, alle ore !8:00, alla Chiesa del Castello. in questa occasione verrà presentata l’anteprima della mostra: “Emozione d’artista – un’estate a Casaleggio Boiro” […]
Mostra Domenica 31 Agosto 2014, dalle ore 10:00, Palazzo Comunale, via Roma 18, Casaleggio Boiro. Ultimo miglio – tra nature e uomini ” […]
” Natura e Arte Sacra “- mostra
“Natura e Arte Sacra nella tradizione popolare “ Installazione Museo Etnografico “C’era una volta”, Alessandria, Italia Dal 1 al 30 settembre 2014 […]
Mostra a Mornese – invito
Sabato 7, domenica 8 settembre 2014, ora 17:30 Scuola di Mornesa Piazza Doria, Mornesa, Italia ” Mostra a Mornese ”
Intervista – Interviews
La Stampa stampa le mie stampe
La Stampa, sabato 30 agosto 2014. “Dal New York Times ai boschi di Casaleggio. in paese la mostra del grande vignettista americano Verdaguer” […]
Piccolo scrittura nella il Piccolo
il Piccolo : venerdi 5 settembre 2014. “Tradizione e cultura poplare riviste da Raymond Verdaguer” Mostra nel Museo ‘C’era una volta’ di piazza della Gambarina […]
“ Incisione rivegliato per la Stampa ”
La Stampa : sabato 6 settembre 2014. ‘Un paese “risvegliato” dall’ospite americano’ di Daniele Prato – La Stampa [newspaper Italy] : Saturday September 6, 2014. “‘A country “awakened” by an American guest” […]
” Verdaguer ha immortalato tutti “ intervista
Anteprima Notizie: “ Un pittore internazionale – Per due mesi nel centro dell’Ovades “, settembre 2014 […]
Laboratori – Workshop – Atelier
” Aperto per arte – Musica e incisione laboratori “
partcipanti al laboratori a cura di Cheryl Growdn Piana, clarinettista, Iowa, USA, Fiorenza Bucciarelli, pianista, professore al conservatorio di Alessandria, Italia, Raymond Verdaguer, artista e incisore, New York, USA. 6-7 settembre 2014 […]
Incidere e stampar – linocut workshop
learning cutting and printing linoleum: in one day for absolute beginners. Sunday August 17, 2014. […]
Commission – Commande
University of Notre Dame, USA – ” Procrastination ” – commissioned linocuts
To illustrate a series of stories to be published in N.D. Magazine, autumn 2014 – “procrastination” By Andrew Santella On a road in fourth-century Armenia, the story goes, a Roman centurion met a talking crow […]
There is hundreds of people I am greateful for the warmth they offer me, but there one person, Piero, who later became my friend, who come out first with the proposal that the art work I was creating on site should be shown to the population from the area I was discovering. Acting as ‘a certain kind of miror’ of their own environment. Piero offered me all his support from the very start, inspiring other to join us later on for the creation of new projects. Further more, he used his engenering skills and his tools to invent a form of framing my art work to solve the problem of the none standard dimensions.
I insist on unveiling this personal fact because I feel we tend to become very dry by not showing or giving credit to human factors qualities that allow us to simply ‘be’! The ‘i’ this, and the ‘i’ that, we have the nerve to call our new smart ‘culture’ is stripping us from our TRUE communication ‘skills’, we are allowing ourself that robots take over our souls. Cetainly, I’m using technology as I’m typing right now, still we need to consider very ancient cultures like the Italian one for their art of ‘savoir faire’ as well as ‘savoir vivre’. So we maybe able to wake up from our deepening numbness and come back to our necessary vital and fluide senses, sharing and participating in meaningful harmony with others.
Art work on it’s on is no more relevant that a pair of broken shoes to walk in the mud. We need to put it to the service on endlessly perfecting our craft but only so we could become a better human asset for the ‘good’ of our community and to all sorts of form of lives and energy who are surounding you and I .
Acknowledgment to the Casaleggio’s population and the Museo Etnografico di Alessandria, Italia.
I wish to express my deepest gratitude to: Claudio Lombardi, Fiorenza Bucciarelli, Mariuccia, David, Daniele, Piero de la Alberta, Alberta del Piero, Elena, Michel, Luca, Anne, Doctor Valter Mario De Michelis and Sara, Conte Carlo Guiglia & Contessa Diana Mantovani, Director Elena Garneri of the Museo Etnografico. Sindaco Danilo Repetto, Barbara Merlo, Consiguere Major Enrico, Luca and their team, Sindaco Simone Pestarino, Consiguere Desirée Anfosso, Dino Miglio, Anne Maria di Ovada, Daniele Prato [ journalist at La Stampa ], Maurizio Silvestri [author and videomake], Lella [ journalist a la Anteprima Notizie ] – Smilla, Michela, Miriam, Violetta, Joseph, Alberto, Federico … Everyone of you who have gracefully and generously contributed… Grazie per tutti!
original linoleum cut . linogravure originale . linóleo grabado original . incisione originale . Copyright © Raymond Verdaguer 2015