January 1st , 2013: commissioned and published linoleum cut illustration by the New York Times, Op-Ed. “The Emancipation of Abe Lincoln “ by Eric Foner

 “His annual message to Congress, on December 1, 1862, devoted a long passage to promoting gradual,compensated emancipation and colonization.  Lincoln indicated, however, that a new approach was becoming imperative:  “The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present….  We must disenthrall our selves, and then we shall save our country.”  Lincoln included himself in that “we.”  On January 1, he proclaimed the freedom of the vast majority of the slaves. The Emancipation Proclamation is perhaps the most misunderstood crucial document in American history.  Contrary to legend, Lincoln did not free the four million slaves with a stroke of his pen.”

New York Times’ Opinion page


“emancipation” linoleum cut, original print, and the New York Times’ newspaper page, on Jan. first, 2013

New York Times Website

 read more  […]

 Creating the original linoleum prints:  drawing, cutting and printing process

Texts © copyright The New York Times.

Drawings, linoleum cuts, photographs and texts © copyright Raymond Verdaguer, 2013.


David · January 2, 2013 at 02:52

Arresting image,and full of dynamism — as ever in works by “R” (a trademark deservedly getting prominent places in the two versions of the print).

robert · January 2, 2013 at 10:10

What an incredible and imaginative piece of work. Commemorative yes but also challenging us to remember how much the written word has helped to break the shackles that bind us..A powerful pen but also a powerful weapon to cut through darkness, to prick our conscience and challenge us to be alert and mindful of the needs of all of humanity. Thank you for this powerful image. Best wishes for the new year. Robert

Rens · January 2, 2013 at 14:20

toujours superbement detaille avec toutes ces photos!


Henri · January 3, 2013 at 15:30

Ce dessin explique beaucoup et remplace plusieurs mots: c’est bien clair. Quelle imagination !!!

Happy New Year !


Anna · January 6, 2013 at 13:07

Merci pour cette nouvelle création partagée, qui dit tout à elle seule, et laisse rêver chacun à tout le reste !
Félicitations !
Bien amicalement,
Anne de Nantes, France

Fabien · January 13, 2013 at 12:22

Hello Raymond,

Funny enough, I am reading a biography on Lincoln. So, I printed “The Emancipation of Abe Lincoln” and made a bookmark with it. In this troubled time, it is important to remind people that great men made major breakthrough in human history. Unfortunately, they are so rare.

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