April 15th 2012: commissioned and published linoleum cut, illustrating six poems, by the  New York Times Sunday Review, Tax time no accounting for poetry “.

The image concept was created keeping in mind being able to work with [ or around] an already existing text layout to be later displayed into the double page of the paper…so image and texts would be come as a ‘one’ versa having a text aside a rectangular shape image. This was the main challenge of this project, it required some fine tuning to make sure that the 6 poems would have their text spaces none obstructed by the art work. Fortunately, unlike with ‘taxes issues’ I was given no restrictions as far as the image is concern.

The New York Times-“Tax Break” – original linoleum cut print

New York Times Sunday Review, paper version – Tax Break – double page — morning April 15th 2012

” The deadline for filing tax returns is Tuesday. Elbow-deep in the language of gross income, of capital gains and losses, of 1098, 1099 and W-2, we asked six writers: Is there any room for poetry? ” [ The NewYork Times quote]

New York Times Sunday Review, paper version – “Tax Break” – details showing the printed poems inserted into the art work

New York Times Sunday Review – inline version

Note: poems  no dot appear on the web  version inside of the art work, which makes sense, otherwise their would not be readable [ two small]. The very large size printed paper double page version allow it [ on the contrary ] to be displayed inside the blue areas. Taking advantage of size and background support is part of the ‘art’ work equation.

Creating the original linoleum prints:  drawing, cutting and printing process

sketch for ” Tax break ”


linoleum block with printed image

A friendly New Yorker reading the paper at the created page…

Most likely when I am cutting my linoleum block I concentrate first on making the imagery coming to life, second on meeting the dreadful dead line…It comes always with the same puzzling amazement to be able to see the final results at 7:00 am the next day, across the street, on neighbor door steps [ near by the garbage can ]…which would be more likely the final destination of the newspaper before the end of the day.

It is a strange feeling sitting near by someone actually reading the New York Times at the very same page one has been a contributor- [while all thoughts from the finished job are away]. Asking oneself ” so my image contribution has actually a function ? ” This encounter made it up for all my assignment headaches, meanwhile I am not too sure if in the future I should take it less seriously or in the contrary more intensely …

View more – poems on line […]

Drawings linoleum cuts, photographs and texts copyright Raymond Verdaguer, 2012.


Henri · April 23, 2012 at 03:57

[…] tes talents s’affirment définitivement et tu es reconnu pour ta spécialité spécifique des gravures. ça te réussit très bien […] Henri

Judy · April 29, 2012 at 05:49

[…] your depiction of the taxpayer (the head in the centre of your illustration) enmeshed in the toils of preparing his tax return to a deadline, with all those suggesting figures of the various pitfalls into which he may descend…or triumphs which he can ascend…this is once again, so startlingly alive. I like how you can at one and the same time illustrate a human being both using and overwhelmed by technology: your figures show someone making use of it, or struggling, even drowning, or being flattened by it. Yet you remind us of the delight of the exercise…it is an intellectual one, too, shown by the poems, to which you thoughtfully provide different sizes and shapes and forms of ‘spaces’ to show that the individual is what matters, despire the uniformity or regulations. That we, as people, can be creative, even as we must do the obligatory tasks. It’s a wonderful! tour de force you achieve, when a subject such as the tax deadline can be so fascinatingly be portrayed in your work. Congratulations again […] Judy

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