“Refoulées vers les sables” [ Banished to the sands]
Republished here to illustrate a true story, my linoleum cut made its first publication, under the title of “World Hunger” or “Let Them Eat Cash: Can Bill Gates turn hunger into profit?” — commissioned by Harper’s Magazine, June 2009.
- ” Sub Saharan migrants, and specifically young mother immigrating illegally to Algeria, are expelled without due process and banished into the desert. A particularly painful story reported in El Pais by Ignacio Cembrero ” and published by Courrier International, Paris.
note: the colored version is not mine but a Courrier’s creation.
“On nous transporte comme du bétail, à cinquante entassés dans un camion pendant des heures !” Laure Kottin Mbibo, une Camerounaise de 27 ans, commence à hausser le ton, mais sa voix se brise quand elle repense à Brunette, sa fille de cinq mois. Elle a dû la laisser le 24 novembre dernier à Oran [nord-ouest de l’Algérie], peut-être pour toujours. “J’ai dû l’abandonner pour la sauver.”
[it carries us like cattle, fifty crammed in a truck hanging for hours! “Laure Kottin Mbibo, a Cameroonian of 27 years, she starts raising her voice, but her voice broke when she thinks of Brunette, her five months daughter.]
? Drawings linoleum cuts, photographs and texts copyright Raymond Verdaguer, 2011.
? texts copyright Courrier International, 2011.