

a commissioned Linoleum cut – magazine cover


alcohol abuse – linoleum cut 4

“a problem of growing importance”.



alcohol abuse- linoleum block

“incidence is lower in women than in men, but it’s increasing, particularly among young women (12-17), for whom the prevalence is equal to males of the same age. As this cohort ages, we are likely to see a greater incidence for women of all ages. The stakes are also higher for women: alcohol abuse has more devastating physiological and psychological effects in women, women are less likely to seek treatment than men, and women who abuse alcohol are at increased risk of being victims of sexual assault and other violent crimes.One of the differences about women and alcohol is that the social aspect is powerful.

That is, women don’t want to turn down their friends when they ask them to go for a drink, even if they realize they have a problem and probably should abstain. The Center of Alcohol Studies received funding for a three-part study that looks at how the relationship aspect can play a role in recovery. The first two parts of the study, which have been completed, dealt with how women with partners do in couples’ therapy versus individual. They found that women in couples’ therapy did better, and the results were more sustained, than women in individual therapy. The next study, for which they are currently recruiting subjects, looks at the same concept among single women–whether women in group therapy do better than those in individual therapy.

The center also developed a treatment manual, based on clinical observations, specific to women. So the story would also mention the other distinctions they have discovered about women.”


Photographs: the linoleum cutting and printing process.



alcohol abuse – linoleum block cutting in progress – stage 1 and 2

alcohol abuse – 4 linoleum proofing prints

alcohol abuse – printing ink testing on the ink slap

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– Quoted texts are a copyright of Rutgers University 2011.

– Linoleum cuts, photographs and texts copyright Raymond Verdaguer, 2011.